Thursday, December 30, 2010

Gingerbread Houses

This year we made gingerbread houses.  I baked the dough and cut out the pieces the night before and the boys decorated them.  The last time we made houses the kids were much younger and needed lots of help.  This year my aunt Mary was in town and she had never made a gingerbread house before, I know, shocking isn't it.  The houses may not be the prettiest, but they had lots of fun and got pretty creative with the decorating.  Not to mention the sugar rushes.  The fist batch of icing was a pretty white but didn't taste too good, so the second batch I added maple flavoring, that's why it is brown.  Tasted much better though! :-)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


 I had the joy of photographing this precious angel.  She was just a few days over one month old and just a few days before her first Christmas.  Brenna is definitely a very special blessing for this family.  Enjoy your photos!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mud and Muck

Family photo shoot for the Taylors.  I have photographed my friends Kim and Eric several times with their son Greysen.  They are always so fun to have a session with.  Never fails that something exciting will happen with Greysen.  This time he was practicing his "CHEESES" before our session.  He was pretty good, but didn't want to sit still and cheese.  Had to bribe him, this time the bribe was we do your pics then you can go play.  So after we got the best of what we could done with Greysen, we told him he could go play.  So what did a little boy do... play in the muddy puddle!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Growing up fast

Once again, one of my boys is a year older.  Rylan is now 11, where does the time go?  He normally hates getting his picture taken, but we made a deal, he behaves and does what I want him to do, then he can go play with his brothers.  A lot of these poses where his idea, GO RYLAN.  It always helps to let the kid run the show... to some extent.  We also got him a digital camera for his birthday, can not wait to see the shots he has taken.  Here are some of the photographs from his session.  I did some playing around with Photoshop features with these edits.  Had some fun, let me know what you all think.