Monday, July 19, 2010

my home

I have lived in the desert for about as long as I can remember. I have also traveled the country and seen many different landscapes. It wasn't until my adult life that I really saw the beauty in my desert home. When we do get rain there is green, lots of green. During our summer monsoon season the clouds are fabulous, the skies still so blue, and the lightening is amazing! With the family we drove out to McDowell Mountain Park to check it out as a possible future camping spot. There was a storm brewing to the northeast. I got some amazing shots.

This is a view of Four Peaks.


  1. I Love the beauty of the desert, and I can see why it draws some people

  2. Very gorgeous landscape! I've always loved the landscape of the desert, maybe because I love austerity and rocks and sun and heat..... If I didn't believe y'all would be facing a very serious water shortage out there (among other problems) within my lifetime, and if it wasn't so far away from my family, I would definitely move to the Southwest.
    Your pictures capture all the beauty wonderfully, Julie! Keep up the excellent work!
    - Kristina
