Friday, August 6, 2010

Arizona Science Center

My sister-in-law and I decided it would be fun to take the kids to the Arizona Science Center before school went back into session.  I remembered seeing coupons before in the Savvy Shopper for buy one get one free.  Unfortunately I didn't have any at the time.  So I sent my friend Becca a message asking if she knew of any ways to get great deals.  Becca is always on top of super savings!!  check out her blog here She suggested a Culture Pass, however I was unable to obtain one before our trip.  Turns out the evening before our trip to the museum, the Arizona Science Center posted on Facebook a $5 special if you whisper the word "HOT" to the cashier for August 5th only.  Perfect!  My Brother met up with us as well.  The boys were super excited to see their uncle, aunt, and cousin.  We had a great time.  If you have never been, it is a must see, you could spend all day there and still not see everything.  The last time I went to ASC was about 3 years ago, there are many new and exciting exhibits. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention Julie! It looks like your family had a wonderful time and I'm looking forward to our visit this week!
