Thursday, July 14, 2011


WOW! has it really been since February when I blogged last?  It appears so!  I suppose I have some catching up to do, so bare with me.  Follow along it will be fun!  (i promise)

First thing on the agenda is most important.  My oldest has become a teenager!  He has grown up so much over the past 13 years!  He is becoming a young man faster than I can blink *SNIFF*SNIFF*  Yes, the fear of the teenage boy syndrome eating me out of house and home is under way and many, many, many, more years to come (2 more boys following in a short time... and in case you weren't thinking correctly, I will have 3 teenage boys for 3 consecutive years)  Better expand the pantry and start clipping (and using) those coupons!  This year I tried to make his dreaded annual photo shoot a bit more fun, I think I successfully found a fun location, with the help of my husband and a date night in the area, thanks hunny. xoxoxo  They are not the typical, in the park, by the lake pictures.  I always enjoy shooting at new locations, always up for an adventure and a challenge.  If it was the same old place every time things would get kinda boring.... right?

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