Sunday, September 12, 2010

Austin is 9

Happy Birthday to my #3!  Nine years ago, on our 2nd wedding anniversary, came the best anniversary gift ever!  My little Austin was born at 5:35 am at a small 9lbs 2oz.  Still to this day he is an early-bird.  Always the first one up and rearing to go!  He has grown up so much, until you are a parent you won't believe how fast time flies.  He is playing violin for the second year now, enjoys reading, and science... always wanting to conduct some goofy (yet mind intriguing) experiments.  We just had a small family get-together at my parents house for swimming, pizza and cheesecake.  I always try to do a full photo shoot of each of my boys for their birthday, they hate being dragged around and posing for pictures, but that's part of life for them now and they know it!  They have learned to just deal and do what Mommy says and we will get this over quickly and painlessly.  In the end they will appreciate this years down the road, they already do enjoy looking at the finished products on the computer ;-)  Here are a few shots I took of the birthday boy.  Happy Birthday Austin... I love you

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