Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This is our nosy dog Roxie.  She just turned two last month and is a pure bread German Shepherd.  Her mommy is an all white shepherd and dad is all black.  As you can see Roxie got the standard black/tan coloring.  She lost her collar a few days ago and we still have yet to find it.  Today I went walking around the yard to see if I can find it and she was being a snoop standing on the wood and poking her head under the fence.  I went back inside grabbed my camera and got some great shots that capture her personality.  Not quite sure what had got her interest on the other side the wall, but she must have heard something.  Roxie is always such a rambunctious dog that wont sit still for a picture, so I took advantage of today when she was too busy to notice that I was snapping pictures of her.  For my next challenge... I shall try to get some good shots of our black lab mix, Cody.

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